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Better Together: energyOS Shines Light on Sustainable Energy

How energyOS is Using Digital Innovation to Promote Sustainable Energy

We’re in the midst of a major power shift; or rather, a shift in how we get power. Renewable and sustainable methods are changing how we produce and consume energy. The existing grid excels at moving power from a centralized location to individual consumers, but the future of power is decentralized and multi-directional.

This shift towards sustainability and decarbonization is necessary, though at present it can be complex. Australian companyenergyOSis a technology adoption partner dedicated to improving energy management for both consumers and producers.

In addition to the classic one-way model, the sustainable model relies on a mix of providers to produce and return surplus energy to the system while monitoring the how, when, and why of energy consumption. energyOS has developed a cloud-based solution called eOS that helps utilities and their customers’ transition to clean, decentralized, and more cost-effective energy.

In this episode of Better Together,Stephen Kubicki, Chief Executive Officer at energyOS joins me to talk about how energyOS is helping consumers and energy portfolio managers integrate sustainable, digitally transformed, smart, and scalable options.

  • Podcast: For the podcast, I talked with Stephen about the what, why, and how of the energy transition. Stephen explains the movement from the centralized, one-way, utility-to-consumer model to a decentralized, multi-directional future. We cover the important role of data in this process and how actionable data is benefiting utilities and consumers.
  • LinkedIn Conversation: Stephen joins me again for a deeper diver to discuss the technologies that make eOS possible, the special challenges involved with working with a utility with a long history, and how eOS integrates data to empower consumers and provide them with increasingly better technology.

Read on for some key takeaways.

The Power of Data

Working with utilities offers a special set of challenges because power isn’t your average consumer product; it is an essential utility that is highly regulated and run on legacy technology. Stephen explains that eOS delivers digital services to utilities to help them respond to changing technologies. He says eOS is a “…Library of digital services that the utilities can pick and choose for each of their different energy transition requirements.”

eOS利用的数据源historically underutilized. He points out that “Utilities have two incredible assets that don’t even appear on their balance sheets: customers and data.” Tools such as eOS harness data to position utilities to play a central role in energy transition.

Empowering Consumers

As a technology adoption partner, eOS helps coordinate vast amounts of data from disconnected stakeholders to help them work with new solutions. energyOS believes digital services will help consumers be confident in their energy decisions. For example, utilities can provide customers with realistic virtual scenarios for new energy technology by using data such as local residential power use or weather patterns.

斯蒂芬认为utilitie之间的密切关系s and consumers in the future. He says, “If the utility aligns the interests of its customer base with its own interests and its own cost savings and then shares those benefits with the consumer, it can play a fundamentally important role in facilitating the energy transition.”

The relationship between utilities and consumers isn’t just a matter of moving power from a plant to a light switch. Stephen notes that the process “Covers the full value chain from generation, transportation across poles and wires, into the retailer, and then all the way to the end consumer.” As energy sources continue to develop and diversify, the value chain will become more and more complex. Tools like eOS will enable scattered stakeholders to cooperate and create a more efficient, sustainable system.

Are you interested to learn more about energyOS?

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